Sentral Parent Portal
Mid 2017 we launched at new Parent Portal via the Sentral platform. Each family has a log in to access information about their child/ren. The portal allows families easy access to academic reports, opportunity to communicate with their child/ren's teachers and the ability to notify the school of absences. As we move forward all newsletters, reminders and notices will be sent out via the Portal electronically.
Our Facebook page is another great way to stay up to date with what is going on around the school. If you are a Facebook user, please like our page to receive our posts.
Parent Involvement
Our school community is a fantastic one. There are many ways family members can become involved in school life. We have regular events throughout the year that have an educational focus such as 'Meet the Teacher', Parent/Teacher Interviews, School Concert and our Art Show (to name a few).
Some parents choose to volunteer their time to assist as a classroom helper and become involved in supporting events run by the fundraising team. We also have more formal parental involvement through our School Council, where parents are elected for a term of two years, also serving on one of the Sub-Committees (Education or Buildings and Grounds). We have an active Fundraising team, who coordinate a calendar of events throughout the year. The contributions of parents and family members to all these programs are integral to the success of our school.