Welcome to Footscray North Primary School. We are immensely proud of our school, its traditions and its future directions. Our school motto is ‘Opening Up Learning – A World Of Possibilities’. We see this motto come alive in all of our classrooms through our dedicated teaching staff and the many activities that are available to our children.
Our mission at Footscray North Primary School is to graduate empowered students who are high achieving, socially and emotionally intelligent, globally aware and active citizens in the community. We do this by ensuring that all of our children have the best possible Literacy and Numeracy teaching programs. A key focus area for us is for our students to develop a love of reading as we know that this opens up the world of information to them. Each of our classrooms has its own library area and our school is proud of its well-resourced school library.
We provide specialist classes in Art, Spanish, Technologies, Physical Education and Performing Arts. Senior students are also involved in the inter-school sport program whilst the entire school is involved in the school swimming program. Our children also participate in Art Shows and School Concerts where they have the opportunity to share their works with a large audience.
There is strong alignment of the schools purpose, goals and targets and continuous improvement that is shared. The goals and targets of the strategic plan are clear to all and there continues to be a relentless focus to undertake the right work to improve student learning and wellbeing and to embed a strong belief that the students of FNPS can achieve at high levels.
In addition, the school leadership has significant partnerships with other primary schools undertaking focused improvement work and institutions, such as the University of Melbourne and Victoria University, to partner and support the improvement of student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
There has been a sustained and clear focus on building a stimulating learning environment so that every child is engaged in high quality learning. There has been a clear focus on whole-school professional learning, coaching, and building the teaching teams to ensure consistency of teaching and learning practice across the school.
There are strong staff and teacher-student relationships at every level and the genuine care and support for every student is evident. Students and parents report that the teaching and learning is engaging and motivating and students love coming to school.
FNPS has a Social and Emotional Learning program that is explicitly delivered to support students in this important area. This curriculum is delivered through a Positive Education approach, drawing upon a wide range of resources that support students building capabilities in this area.
A highlight of our school is the community involvement focus. We have an active parent group that dedicate time to support our students and community through volunteering their time to work in classrooms as parent helpers or to support fundraising efforts throughout the year. Our school prides itself on the rich multicultural connections. This enables our children to have a wonderful appreciation of other cultures and makes Footscray North Primary School a vibrant place to be for our children, staff and parents.
Our facilities are exceptional and include an art room, tennis courts, mulitpurpose hall, library, gymnasium, large meeting room and substantial playground area (2 basketball courts, soccer field and oval). We hope that our website will provide some information about Footscray North Primary School. If you are considering enrolling your child at school, please contact us for a personal school tour so that you can experience the unique educational setting that we have to offer.
Kay Willmott
Principal Footscray North Primary School