Year 2

What does it mean to have a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum?


A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC) ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to learn. Each student will have access to a highly effective teacher, and access to the same content, knowledge and skills in each class.


What is a Guaranteed Curriculum? Every student is provided the opportunity to learn a core curriculum which provides them with the probability of success in school.

What is a Viable Curriculum? Schools make sure that the necessary time is available and protected so students will be able to learn the guaranteed curriculum.


Creating a horizontal sequence of what needs to be learned across individual grade levels or courses as well as a vertical sequence from grade level to grade level or from course to course. Teachers align the curriculum with the Victorian Standards


Preparing a Guaranteed Curriculum requires that teachers have adequate time to prepare, instruct and assess, and that students have adequate time to receive, process, and retain new information. Viable Curriculum means that the Essential Learning Statements, pacing guide and daily instruction are all manageable and can be realistically taught to mastery levels in the year.