The way we work at FNPS has been shaped by research-based approaches that indicate what works best in education. These have been applied in our school setting.
Our key purpose and efforts centre on student learning and utilising the instructional practices that best help our students to achieve excellence.
Our teachers work in teams. These teams are named “Collaborative Teams” and all members actively engaged with their team.
Teams are provided with dedicated time in the weekly timetable time to collaborate with a focus on student learning. Our teachers have shared expectations for learning. The learning experiences planned are based on building on student’s prior knowledge. A purpose for learning is always shared, which in turn determines learning goals and assessment requirements. We expect all our students to achieve measurable growth in their learning. Success in learning is measured and tracked regularly by teachers to ensure improvement is achieved. All our work is focussed on what our students are learning, how they learn it and where to take their learning next.
Our teachers see themselves as learners too, building their capacity through professional learning programs that lead to the transformation of practice. They are involved and engaged in the learning cycle. Our teachers are reflective about their teaching in order to assess the impact it is having on the students they teach. They have developed expertise through the use of school based coaches and experts the school has invited to work with the staff.
Our planning is consistent across all year levels and delivered so that there is a positive impact on learning. We have common planning time and a common language and framework when we talk about learning. Staff are dedicated to ensuring those learning experiences planned and delivered, make the greatest difference to student outcomes. Daily, targeted teaching is used to meet the needs of our students. Our school culture encourages students to actively seek feedback from their teachers and peers.
Our Leaders evaluate the impact they are and their teachers having on student learning on an ongoing basis, constantly questioning what needs to be improved and what evidence is needed. We work in a climate of trust. We share in confidence, we challenge respectfully and we know that we are all different and all have different starting places.
The school’s mission… to graduate empowered students who are high achieving, socially and emotionally intelligent, globally aware and active citizens in the community… Is placed clearly at the centre of our work.
Teaching and Learning
At Footscray North Primary School we adhere to the Principles of Learning and Teaching that state students learn best when:
1. The learning environment is supportive and productive
2. The learning environment promotes independence, interdependence and self-motivation
3. Students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning program
4. Students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and application
5. Assessment practices are an integral part of teaching and learning
6. Learning connects strongly with communities and practice beyond the classroom.
We use these principles to strengthen our teaching practices. These principles aim to:
· Build consistent, comprehensive and improved pedagogical (teaching) approaches within and across our school
· Focus teaching to meet the diverse needs of students
· Strengthen learning communities within our school community.
We are committed to delivering a high quality and comprehensive curriculum to our students.