Some significant events in the History of our School
1917 Preliminary investigations commenced re the establishment of a school at the corner of Rosamond Road and Mephan Street.
1920 School site purchased
1923 School commenced operation
1924 School officially opened by Dr. J. A. Leach, District Inspector of schools on 20th April
1928 Caretaker’s residence built (entrance from May Street)
1943 Two timber classrooms erected near two-storey building
1949 Army Huts (2 classrooms) erected
1950’s Enrolments peaked at 850 students
1950 Church of England Hall in May Street leased for additional classroom space
1953 Two timber classroom erected at east end of “Hawksley Building”
1962 Army huts converted to a canteen
1965 Cooperative Society formed to provide funds for construction of new canteen
1967 Army Huts (old Canteen) and original Library demolished.
New Canteen built between shelter sheds. Cost 2,000 pounds
1971 Senior buildings (4 classrooms) erected (brick clad/light timber construction)
1974 Education Department Demonstration Unit built on former Caretaker’s residence site
1976 Multi-purpose Hall built
1976 School Council established
1977 Bingo commenced in the School Hall. Joint School Council/Maidstone Junior Sporting Club fundraising activity
1980 Outdoor learning area, including barbeque, constructed
Four half court and two full-sized tennis courts constructed by Maidstone Junior Sporting Club
1981 School obtained two ovals (Argaet Reserve) in return for Nursing home site
1986 Major facilities upgrade took place, officially opened by Hon, Robert Fordham M.P. on 12th April
1989 Inner Western School Support Centre (formally Demonstration Unit and later Curriculum Centre) was burnt down.
Inner Wester School Support Centre replaced with portable classrooms
1990 Extension to the School Hall completed
1991 Two new full sized tennis courts constructed
1993 Inner Western School Support Centre site (May Street) officially handed back to the school
2003 Rooms 10/11/12 built and rooms 6/7/8/9 upgraded
2006 Upgrade to Administration Area
2007 Oval resurfacing
2009 Old canteen and shelter sheds knocked down
2010 New building (BER)
2011 Fencing around the school2017 Rooms 17 and 18 added (portables)
2017 Library Upgrade2018 Hot Shots Courts Installed (Tennis Victoria and MJSC)2018 Northern Edge redevelopment
2020 Sensory Garden (Inclusive Schools Fund)- southern side of main building
2021 Major Building Project - New Gymnasium, new learning bases and additional resource intensive teaching spaces